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Pehlgam of Kashmir

Pehlgam is one of the preferred destinations for the summer Kashmir tour. It is the largest tourist center in Kashmir valley. Pehlgam in the local language means the village of Bharawalad. The sheep and the goats were the original occupations of the original inhabitants of this region.

This poor Muslim community is also called 'Gujar'. They take the sheep and goats from different owners. Through the summer, they carry them into mountainous valleys. At the beginning of the winter, the owner returned to the owner. These lagged people are still to be found in all hilly areas of Kashmir including Pehlgam.

Pehlgam, 96 kilometers south of Srinagar. Now it's not famous for Guzars. It is a great destination for the time spent on mixing with the natural nature of native and foreign tourists. Many innumerable nature-seekers go to this beautiful forest and stay there day after day.

There is severe snowfall from December to February. Then the number of tourists decreased. It takes the most attractive form in April-May. The name of a valley in the middle of the Himalayas (Pirpangal) is Leader Valley. Located at 2130m above sea level, the green hills and the uneven stone scraping scraps of the valley are the main attraction of the heartland beauty of Lidro River.

A few days ago Pehlgam came across as a student of Kashmir and South Asia Studies. Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladeshi SAARC-students and Kashmiri classmates as well as five teachers with us. Immediately after the start of sunrise on the bus of Kashmir University, we reached at 11am in Anantnag district.

In the different types of languages, I was besieged in the loud cry, Oul-Baul songs and Suratlal. Kashmiri language folk songs 'Wayanoon' and Bengali, Nepali, Afghan Lokgan were mixed together. The car was driving along the mountainous roads outside the main city.

We reached out to the Leader Valley after crossing a hill and we were in awe of the bus. Walking on the rocks of the fountain of the fountain of water and the beautiful beauty of the clear nature took away the eyes of everyone. Looking at the side of the bus window, I see the sky green in the vast mountains, on the other side of the valley of deep valleys, the word is moving in the middle of the one-way river. Ice-cold water dropped by the Himalayas, carrying a velor to the stone touched the stone. There was a white foam.

Transparent water rises in the sky blue in the sky Mantra fascinates the heart of the people. From there, the main Pehlgum is more than six kilometers. Similar scenes throughout the road As much as you go forward, I have more left to see. Named from the bus reached the tourist spot. There are several hotels, restaurants, parks and various arrangements there. At lunch, everyone went down to the water. Photosation is. Then, walking around the river, it was a long distance. Little children are crying out there. School children came in the banquet. Below the river, the green trees beside the mountain walls, the crown of snow clothed away, the blue sky far away.

I was watching this decoration of a beautiful beauty, I was a bit silent. A Kashmiri friend came to me and asked, how is Pehelgam? I looked at him. I said, nice! Lovely !! He seemed to have swollen her chest. One of the sighs said, 'Kashmir Hamara Hai.' One day I sang to friends, 'I can not find anywhere in the country that you are the queen of all the countries that she is my birthplace'. English translator explained Kashmiri classmate. He said, "Everybody's demand for the motherland is such. Kashmir is too close to me. '

Many people from Pehlgam ride on the horse to the Coleahie Glacier (the snow cover on the mountain). David Eumerman wrote on the Himalayan Wanders blog: Last year, his cousin travels. He wrote, 'All fir-tree trees of wildlife, grassroots grassland grass, blazing blue waters, snow-stricken horns are so disturbed.' The water generated from the ice melt of 5425 meters high is spread through the lidar valleys. Pahlgam has come down 26 kilometers. Later it was mixed in the Jhelum river. Apart from tourism, the place is one of the best base camps of the famous Amarnath cave pilgrims.

Amarnath is a glacier from the Himalayas, where a bar like 'Shiblinga' appears every year. This is a pilgrim place for Hindu religion. Followers believe that Lord Shiva unraveled the mystery of life and the world by sitting in the cave near his sister-in-law Parvati. In July and August, lakhs of pilgrims travel to Amarnath every year.

Many of them ride on Leader Valley with Pehlgam hiking. Traveling in July-August due to pilgrimage, Pehlgam has decreased. The security around the whole area became the most difficult of the flawless.

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