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Guest bird's match

With the arrival of winter, the Bhola Charafasan Tourism Island has started coming to Kukri-Mukari, the guest bird. Various species of birds come to the Cookie-Mukati every winter in the winter.

The whole island of the birds became embroiled in the twilight. Bird's chimerichi and the outposts of this island are the most familiar scenes of the island. In order to enjoy this fascinating scene, cookie-Mukuri was celebrated in the winter with huge visitors.

Like every year, birds and mangroves and birds started coming to the lake with the message of winter arrival. Birds have started coming from last week. Cookie-Mukuri Small and large 10 to 12 lakes are deep mangrove, but birds come in four different places. The UP Parishad has announced that they have declared the sanctuary for the birds. Cooki-Mukri's chairman lecturer Hashem Mahajan

So far this year, the local Sarali named poultry bird has been found. The birds have not yet started coming to the rest of the lake.

Bird experts say, 'Surali is the bird of our indigenous species. They usually live in the northern parts of the country and in the haor-baore. "They refuse to talk about their guest birds.

Cookie-Mukri's chairman lecturer Haseem Mahajan said, most of the birds that come in the cookie-mukari are our domestic poultry birds. A few species of foreign birds also come. But they come at the end of December. The birds that came here are now scattered. They usually live near the Himalayas in the districts and haor-baore districts. There were incidents of kidnapping and kidnapping in cookery and mukri. They can not be called guest or migratory birds. May be said to be a guest for a cookie-Mukri.

According to the researcher Sharmin Akhter of Zoology Department of Begum Rahima Islam Honors College, the first thing came in the cookie-mukery in 1986. Then 98 species of birds were found.

At present 195 species of birds are found. Of these 126 native species and 69 foreigners.

To increase bird awareness and raise public awareness, local lawmaker, environment and forest deputy minister Abdullah Al-Islam Jakob has set up bird monitoring center in Kukri-Mukari. Here every year the most famous bird lovers visit the tourists. Cookie-Mukri union parishad arranged bird fair.

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